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NU cancels full-day bargaining session with graduate workers

Daily file illustration by June Woo
NU Graduate Workers planned to present its economic proposals at the Nov. 14 meeting.

Northwestern canceled its full-day bargaining session with Northwestern University Graduate Workers previously scheduled for Nov. 14. The change is likely to delay the union’s monthslong negotiations with the University at a critical point in the process.

University spokesperson Jon Yates told The Daily Tuesday evening that “The University canceled next week’s session because it needs more time to review the Union’s economic proposals and prepare counters.”

According to NUGW bargaining committee member Lawrence Chillrud, NUGW provided the University with economic proposals for the meeting Oct. 19 — three weeks prior to the planned bargaining session.

“We’re going to be pushing back and asking for more full day sessions and more half-day sessions to make up for this, because they’ve been dragging their feet for the last few months,” said Chillrud, an organizer for the electrical and computer engineering department. “We’ve repeatedly told them that the number of sessions they’re giving us is not enough, and — depending on your perspective — you could also argue it’s not exactly a bargain in good faith.” 

Including the tentative agreements reached at its Nov. 1 bargaining session — which included union security, non-discrimination, management rights and “no strike/no lockout” — NUGW has reached 23 of its 32 proposed provisions since bargaining began in June. 

With tentative agreements on all language proposals, the union planned to negotiate with the University on economic proposals like compensation, medical benefits and retirement plans at its Nov. 14 session. After all sections of the contract have reached a tentative agreement status, NUGW members will vote on whether to approve or reject the entire contract.

Chillrud said the cancellation makes it even more vital for community members to join NUGW at its “Pay, Power, Protections NOW!” rally on Nov. 13 at Silverman Courtyard. He also said NUGW intends to continue negotiating its economic proposals at its next full-day bargaining session with the University on Nov. 30.

“Assuming the university gets their act together and comes to the table, then that will be a key day because it’ll be a full day of bargaining where we’re going to hopefully see the first responses to economic proposals, which are going to be critical,” he said.

Clarification: This article has been updated to better reflect the status of NUGW’s economic proposals.

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @jacob_wendler

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